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Kids Eat Better After WIC

June 11, 2024

Kids in families with low incomes eat healthier at age 6 if they participated in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) through age 5 than if they left the program after their first year.

Findings from the WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2: Sixth Year Report indicate that consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy, and protein foods by children who started life on WIC is consistent with consumption by a national sample of children—though both groups have room for improvement.

趣赢平台’s Christine Borger, PhD, is the Principal Investigator for the ITFPS-2 study; she says, “These finding demonstrate the lasting impact of WIC participation after children are no longer age eligible. Through education and nutritious food offerings, WIC is leading the way in lasting dietary improvements for families with low incomes.”

Learn more about ITFPS-2 and its findings: What are the current feeding practices of infants and toddlers? – 趣赢平台


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